About DocLink

DOCLINK is a secure HIPAA-compliant communication app that allows interactive collaboration within medical teams, students and the medical industry.

It is a secure collaboration platform that provides unique tools to share fast and effective feedback for doctors and medical students.

App development project - Doclink -  doctor image
App development project - Doclink - phone mockup solutions
App development project - Doclink - background

As DocLink was developed before Swift became popular, we wrote the iOS version in Objective C. The API was developed in the Ruby on Rails framework, which makes development fast and the code easy to maintain. The Android version was written in the Java programming language with an Android SDK.

We used Picasso, a powerful image downloading and caching library for Android.

In order to design beautifully responsive apps that look amazing on any device we used the SQLite front-end framework.

Core Data is a framework that we used to manage the model layer objects in the application. Core Data typically decreases the amount of code required to support the model layer by 50 to 70 percent.

Security is essential, so we used BiometricKit which is a framework that handles TouchID, a fingerprint scanner.

App development project - Doclink - phone mockup solutions